Obtaining Healthy Relaxed Hair | Faces of Black Fashion: Obtaining Healthy Relaxed Hair

Monday, November 2, 2015

Obtaining Healthy Relaxed Hair

I recently relaxed my hair and have been researching ways on how to ensure my hair achieves an optimal level of health. Actually, I am currently double-processed with both a relaxer and color, which means my hair is even more susceptible to damage. Thankfully, I've found a number of amazing videos on Youtube (don't you just love Youtube for its wealth of information) to help me along my healthy relaxed hair journey. I will also be revisiting Sharifa's book, The Five Hair Archetypes, which I previously reviewed on this blog. If you're currently on a hair journey, cheers to healthy hair! I hope you enjoy the videos below. 



  1. These ladies have beautiful hair! Thanks for sharing the videos.

    1. Thank you so much for reading!


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